We only use a high quality antimicrobial pretreatment that balances the skin’s Ph as well as help the skin heal sooner. The post treatment uses organically grown aloe gel containing manuka honey (said to have antibacterial properties), tea tree oil (said to have antiseptic properties that helps with acne), plant stem cells (said to help sooth the skin and help in the production of collagen and elastin).
What to expect: Each session starts with a visual assessment of the skin and hair to be removed. The client’s skin is cleansed, then ,with an eye for precision, the probe is placed into the hair follicle. Next a small pulse of energy is sent to damage the hair follicle before the hair is gently removed from the root. At the end of the session the skin is cleansed again and a short after care regimen is practiced.
Skin Care
We use a skin soothing serum that is quickly absorbed, fights infection, moisturizes, and rejuvenates. Combined with this is a quick light treatment that fights acne producing bacteria and helps the skin heal itself.

Your privacy is as important to us as it is to you. All of the windows are frosted over so you can feel comfortable getting hair from any part of the body removed.

Electrolysis is a process requiring a number of sessions that can last for months or, for stronger hairs over a year. The results are not instant but they are permanent.